Family-run comany!

family-run company prewa

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Unfortunately, the words family-run company are no longer heard so often today. Fortunately, this is different with us! Our part 3 on “PREWA History” is about exactly this topic!

On 25.02.2004 Mr. Preuß retired. Mr. Marscheck and Mr. Dörr, long-time employees of the company, took over the shares from Mr. Preuß. Together with Mr. Wagner, the three managing directors lead the family-run company with flat hierarchies.

Since the founding of the company in 1983, we are engaged in the production of product and customer related form, fill and seal machines and their accessories, such as counting and dosing systems, product feeding systems as well as turnkey packaging lines. Besides that, we also offer special solutions to our customers.

With our machine series we offer a machine technology from “low-cost” to “high-end” solutions in the area of “food” and “non-food”.

We hope you enjoyed our part 3!

Next Monday you can expect in part 4: “Hygiene-friendly CUBIX machine housing”.

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