Our brand new hot-air welding HSL335 S

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It is perfectly suited for high film speeds! A test has shown that the hot air reached an impressive speed of 30 m/min on an OPA15/PE80 EVOH – at a temperature of 290°C!

What makes us particularly proud:

  • The secondary voltage is 48V for optimum efficiency.
  • There is a uniform temperature over the entire working length.
  • The air output is constant and evenly distributed over the entire sealing bar.
  • And best of all: the heating elements can be easily dismantled!

Experience our latest innovation in the packaging industry now! Contact us for more information and an individual offer.

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Leon on a study trip to the USA!

Leon, our 2nd year apprentice, had the chance to take part in an exciting study trip to the USA. This trip was organized by his