Prewa packaging machines


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In today’s post we would like to give you some info and details about our packaging machines. ⁣⁣

There are many possible applications for our packaging machines. But basically it can be summarized as follows: Prewa Verpackungsmaschinenbau’s weighing, dosing, and counting machines are used to dose customer-specific products into the appropriate packaging. ⁣⁣

Powdery, pourable, solid, liquid or pasty products can be weighed, dosed or counted.⁣⁣

As you can see, the application possibilities are huge. If you are now wondering exactly which products are packaged by us just remember our rule of thumb: “Everything that falls from top to bottom can be packed by us”.⁣⁣

In the future, you will of course be able to see more detailed examples of which products can be packaged with our machines.⁣⁣

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